HelpKidzLearn Earns iKeepSafe COPPA Safe Harbor, FERPA, and California Student Data Privacy Certifications

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Setting the standards in student data privacy.

HelpKidzLearn, the provider of accessible online software designed for children with special needs, has earned the iKeepSafe COPPA Safe Harbor, FERPA, and California Student Data Privacy Certifications – signifying their HelpKidzLearn Hub meets the highest standards for child safety and privacy. To ensure the effectiveness of their current security measures and to provide an extra layer of assurance to educators and parents, HelpKidzLearn partnered with iKeepSafe, a leading non-profit organisation championing child safety and privacy online. Their HelpKidzLearn Hub underwent a rigorous assessment, where their data practices and security protocols were reviewed against stringent security guidelines and regulations. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a U.S. law that protects kids' online privacy by requiring parental consent for data collection from children under 13. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ensures parents' rights over their children's educational records, including access and correction. In California, the Student Privacy Certified (CSPC) extends these protections with stricter regulations under AB 1584. HelpKidzLearn’s Hub is currently used by over 6,500 schools and organisations worldwide and specialises in a range of products suited to children with special needs. Their most popular product, Games and Activities, which offers game-based learning experiences that progress upwards from cause-and-effect skills. Other products within the Hub include ChooseIt Maker and ChooseIt Readymades, which specialise in multiple-choice and play-based activities; along with their interactive sensory stories and resources, known as Inclusive Stories. Finally, Insight, where teachers can access students with visual difficulties using eye gaze technology.

Chris Thornton Helpkidzlearn
At HelpKidzLearn, the safety and privacy of children is our top priority. We are proud to partner with iKeepSafe to ensure that HelpKidzLearn Hub provides a safe and secure environment for all children to learn and grow.
Chris Thornton Helpkidzlearn
Chris Thornton
Head of Product at HelpKidzLearn and Inclusive Technology.

Privacy compliance for education.

iKeepSafe Privacy Certifications simplify privacy compliance for education technology vendors and make it easy for schools to identify websites, apps, data management platforms, and other technology products that follow various privacy laws governing student data. Products that carry the iKeepSafe badge provide educators and parents with the assurance that the product meets iKeepSafe’s standards in the areas of privacy, safety, and security.

Privacy Compliance For Education 2
Amber Lindsay
We congratulate HelpKidzLearn on earning the iKeepSafe COPPA Safe Harbor, FERPA, and California Student Privacy Certifications! Their commitment to this process clearly shows their dedication to safeguarding student data.
Amber Lindsay
Amber Lindsay
iKeepSafe President.

About iKeepSafe.

The Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe) certifies digital products as compliant with state and federal requirements for handling protected personal information. We help organizations achieve and maintain compliance through product assessments, monthly monitoring, annual training, and assistance with remediation.

About Ikeepsafe

Explore student privacy at HelpKidzLearn.

To learn more about our commitment to data privacy, including details about our recent achievement of iKeepSafeCOPPA, FERPA and CSPC compliance, visit out student privacy page. This page dives deeper into the regulations, explains what achieving iKeepSafe compliance means for educators and students, and ultimately demonstrates our unwavering commitment to building trust within special education.

Explore Student Privacy

Discover more about HelpKidzLearn’s online learning platform for special needs.