One Switch Access.

HelpKidzLearn can be a valuable tool for learners who rely on switch access; Providing fun and switch-accessible games and activities that empower learners with disabilities to develop essential skills like visual attention, motor skills, and cognitive function through interactive gameplay, making learning fun. Furthermore, switch-accessible games can be tailored to target specific needs, making them valuable tools for educators and therapists.

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One Switch Gaming.

With the right specialised hardware, HelpKidzLearn products can be played by anyone, no matter their disability. "One Switch Gaming" focuses on games and activities playable with a single switch focusing on various learning objectives and milestones, ranging from cause and effect and sequential activities up to choice-making. We have created several guides and resources that support teachers, therapists, parents, and caregivers in understanding and using switch-accessible games to empower learners with disabilities and offer a fun and inclusive way to participate, learn, and grow.

One Switch Gaming

Starting Your Switch Skills Journey.

The "Starting Your Switch Skills Journey" guide covers various aspects of one switch access including "What is switch access?", switches and switch interfaces, HelpKidzLearn products and their role in enhancing switch access skills, and providing a detailed learning journey for teachers, therapists, parents, and caregivers to monitor and support the development of switch skills in children. The document also offers insights into the benefits of switch access, and its applications in skill development, communication, and social interaction, and addresses common challenges encountered during switch access activities.

Starting Your Switch Skills Journey Graphic

My Switch Journey.

A comprehensive tool designed for teachers, therapists, parents, and caregivers to monitor and support student's switch skills development using a single switch. The guidebook breaks down each stage of the switch progression learning journey into manageable steps, starting from cause-and-effect activities, and progressing to choice-making. Aligned with the HelpKidzLearn software, it provides practical suggestions and ideas for each stage of development. The guidebook provides the means to track progress using "I can" statements, document observations, and record comments using included checklists. With introductions, aims and objectives, and learning outcomes for each stage, "My Switch Journey" is a valuable resource for guiding and assessing each student's switch access progression and development.

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