Exploring the Power of HelpKidzLearn's ChooseIt Maker and Games and Activities at Ysgol Crug Glas School, Swansea.
Ysgol Crug Glas is a special school based in the heart of Swansea, located on the stunning coastline of South Wales. They provide a tailored approach for students aged 3-19 with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and complex Autistic Spectrum needs. The school boasts specialised facilities such as a hydrotherapy pool, sensory rooms, therapy suite, and onsite specialist nurses. At the forefront of educational innovation, the school actively shapes reform efforts and ensures an aspirational, inclusive curriculum for all students. With the motto, 'Yes We Can! Aiming HIGH together!', Ysgol Crug Glas promotes excellence through personalised learning opportunities, nurturing the potential of each and every student.
For two decades, Eleanor Phillips (Middle Leader, Head of Early Years Department, MOVE Coordinator, Lead for ICT/DCF, Lead for Assessment, Teacher at Ysgol Crug Glas) has been an integral part of this vibrant institution, wearing multiple hats and shaping the very fabric of its identity. Eleanor warmly welcomes all into the embrace of Ysgol Crug Glas, describing it as a "warm, friendly school with wonderful children".
With approximately 56 students hailing from Swansea and beyond, the school embodies a collaborative spirit of family and inclusivity that fills every aspect of its existence. Ysgol Crug Glas stands as a testament to the belief that every child is unique, with their own set of potentials and challenges waiting to be unlocked. Here, personalised learning isn't just a buzzword; it's a guiding principle deeply embedded in the school's ethos.
At the heart of this collaborative effort lies The Friends, Ysgol Crug Glas' parent-teacher association. As a registered charity, The Friends tirelessly works to enhance education by providing additional resources and support. Recently embracing the MOVE program, (Movement Opportunities Via Education) Ysgol Crug Glas has embarked on a journey to promote independent movement in disabled children. With a Bronze award already under its belt and sights set on the Silver, the school is dedicated to empowering its students through movement and autonomy. MOVE represents yet another testament to Ysgol Crug Glas' unwavering commitment to inclusivity and holistic development. As Ysgol Crug Glas continues to evolve and excel, guided by their vision of inclusivity, aspiration, and community partnership, it remains steadfast in its mission to provide a happy, safe, and enriching educational journey for all its children and young people.
At Ysgol Crug Glas, one of the biggest hurdles teachers face, is finding technology that works for all their students. That’s why accessibility is a top priority at Ysgol Crug Glas. They use a variety of methods to ensure all students can engage effectively with technology. Touch screens, switches, eye-gaze, and mice are among the tools utilised, with touch screens and switches being most commonly used, while eye-gaze is preferred by a specific group of children. Understanding cause and effect is a fundamental building block for learning. Eleanor explains it’s importance, particularly as the school uses an assessment material called ‘Routes for Learning’.
For over twenty years, Ysgol Crug Glas has been utilising Inclusive Technology Software to enhance their educational practices. Initially accessed via disc, the school seamlessly transitioned to the online platform, embracing HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities along with ChooseIt Maker. This software has become an indispensable part of school life. Eleanor especially loves ChooseIt Maker, calling it "exceptional and bespoke". Teachers can create activities for any topic, personalising them with familiar photos and sounds to keep students engaged. This flexibility extends to students with visual impairments, allowing teachers to collaborate with VI specialists to create inclusive activities. Accessibility is paramount at Ysgol Crug Glas. They offer a variety of tools like touch screens, switches, eye-gaze, and mice to ensure every student can participate.
When discussing HelpKidzLearn’s Games and Activities, Eleanor shared heartwarming stories that showcase the software’s impact. One student, initially at the early stages of cause and effect understanding, gradually connected with the activity. As she watched different characters move across the screen, Eleanor noted the joy of seeing the student engage and interact with the activity. Another instance involved children using real-world objects alongside the games, demonstrating the power of interactive learning. The most remarkable story, perhaps, involves a student who used a tilt-and-turn screen to activate Games and Activities with his foot. Lowering the board to the ground and tilting it forward, they displayed HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities. Eleanor recalled “The student used his toes to access the software, whilst the lights and music from the screen served as powerful motivators, encouraging him to continue. Over time, he learned to adjust his actions, realising that a gentle touch was all that was needed. This newfound ability to use his feet to access HelpKidzLearn software proved invaluable, as he soon began using this method in other activities such as playing the chimes and keyboard. - It was HelpKidzLearn software that made that happen”.
Progress monitoring at Ysgol Crug Glas is meticulously structured to track each child's development. Individual Education Plans (IEPs), now referred to as Progression Steps in alignment with the curriculum changes in Wales, outline four or five targets for each child. When a target is met, teachers document the achievement with detailed observations and even video evidence. HelpKidzLearn plays a central role in this process, as Eleanor explains: "It's my go-to for ensuring targets, especially in Routes for Learning, are achieved and embedded." The software's versatility allows it to be seamlessly integrated, providing engaging activities that directly support target attainment.
The software's versatility allows it to be seamlessly integrated across the curriculum, providing engaging activities that support target attainment. For instance, during the planning for the next term's topic "Marvellous Musicians," staff located HelpKidzLearn activities that complemented the topic, enhancing the learning experience. Eleanor emphasised the importance of activities “not only aligning with but enhancing the topic at hand”.
In addition to utilising HelpKidzLearn, staff create ChooseIt Maker activities tailored to the topic, ensuring relevance and engagement for students. For example, during a topic on "Myself and My Identity," personalised activities featuring family photos and childhood snapshots were incorporated, bringing the learning experience to life. Such activities not only assess understanding and knowledge but also serve as rewarding cause-and-effect exercises.
Beyond student learning, Ysgol Crug Glas has seen significant growth in staff ICT skills. They credit this development to training opportunities and the user-friendly nature of HelpKidzLearn. This growth is a testament to the software's effectiveness in enhancing both student learning and staff development.
Student feedback on HelpKidzLearn at Ysgol Crug Glas highlights its positive impact on their learning journey. Through interactions with both Games and Activities, as well as ChooseIt Maker, students develop a deeper understanding of cause and effect, with observable improvements in skill development over time. Eleanor acclaims HelpKidzLearn as engaging, rewarding, and aesthetic. Many children enjoy using HelpKidzLearn as it allows them to engage with activities in a way that is right for them. The software is integrated across the curriculum, with Eleanor providing an example of incorporating the "Five Little Ducks" song into math activities using plastic ducks to support the lesson. She emphasised, "It's more than just technology for children to activate; it's a teaching tool as well, focusing sessions for teachers." Eleanor highlighted the social benefits of group activities like "Five Little Ducks," which help develop social skills such as waiting and turn-taking. The school's proactive approach extended to supporting students during the COVID lockdown. HelpKidzLearn activities were integrated into home learning through a weekly "Rainbow menu". Online learning sessions also included HelpKidzLearn activities, providing continuity in education during a challenging time.
The story of Ysgol Crug Glas and HelpKidzLearn is a testament to the power of technology to create inclusive and engaging learning experiences. It's a journey of growth for both students and staff, promoting a love of learning that empowers everyone to reach their full potential. These resources have been instrumental in nurturing the children's unique skills, particularly in fostering cause-and-effect understanding and enhancing access skills. Likewise, the confidence gained by staff in utilising these tools has empowered them to further develop their ICT competencies, enriching the learning environment.