Empowering Children with Autism Through HelpKidzLearn.

This case study dives into the incredible journey of Bright Futures School and how HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities has become an indispensable tool in their mission to empower children with Autism.

A nurturing environment for individualised learning.

Bright Futures School, founded in 2007, offers a unique approach to autism education for children aged 5-16. This nurturing environment prioritises personalised learning, tailored communication, and student happiness. Their one-on-one student-to-staff ratio and small group work allows for deep focus on each child's needs. Bright Futures began as a small charity by parents seeking better services for their autistic children. They faced challenges, including a closed partnership school. However, in 2010, they secured a new location and became a registered special school. Bright Futures employs a one-on-one model with learning mentors working in small groups, allowing for highly individualised education. Their staff are trained to adapt communication styles to reduce anxiety and improve learning. A pilot program extends communication support into the home environment, further empowering parents.

A Nurturting Environment
Hayley Coupe 400Px
HelpKidzLearn stands out. Traditional programs struggle to cater to their students' specific needs, particularly fine motor skills and waiting skills. HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities is something we’ve used all the way through; it doesn’t really compare to anything else that we’ve found.
Hayley Coupe 400Px
Hayley Coupe
Early Years Specialist Teacher

HelpKidzLearn: A game-changer.

For over five years, Bright Futures has relied on HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities. Hayley praises its accessibility: "It doesn't compare to anything else. They're able to access it easier, and it's much clearer for them to use and interact with." She continued “Other online platforms don’t necessarily come down to the level that allows the children to practice more basic skills as HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities does.” "HelpKidzLearn has become a really good motivational tool for all of our students. They enjoy it so much that they work towards using it as a treat." HelpKidzLearn is used every day at Bright Futures School.

Hkl A Game Changer

Building patience and engagement with HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities.

Hayley spoke about one particular student with complex needs who struggled with waiting for any activity, even when leaving the room. "HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities helped him to learn the joy and the happy feeling you can get from waiting." Accessing the “Space Launch” activity, he learned the anticipation of waiting just a few seconds, and from that, they have been able to build up and create patience where there was none before. "He really did enjoy playing it." Hayley spoke about how their children are motivated by HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities. "It's really bright, really colourful, really engaging. There's always praise at the end of a sequence; they love the music. It’s, very, very engaging." At Bright Futures, children mainly access HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities either by using keyboard and mouse skills or through the interactive boards within each classroom. Hayley explained how for some of their more complex needs children, they integrate various activities into their curriculum. HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities also form the basis of many of their computer sessions. Additionally, they tag HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities at the end of most sessions as a reward.

Building Paitence

More than just fun: communication breakthroughs.

HelpKidzLearn Games & Activities goes beyond entertainment. For pre-verbal students, it acts as a communication bridge, prompting children with signing and speaking. Hayley witnessed a young girl verbalise "blue" while using the "Spray Art" activity. This seemingly simple utterance was a "mighty milestone," showcasing HelpKidzLearn's power to unlock communication.

Empowering Educators
Hayley Coupe 400Px
This was a mighty milestone for her to be interacting and speaking in that way. The pupil will often verbalise 'Hi' and 'bye', but for her to so clearly say a word like 'blue' is very unusual, and HelpKidzLearn prompted that this morning."
Hayley Coupe 400Px
Hayley Coupe
Early Years Specialist Teacher

Empowering educators, transforming lives.

Hayley praises HelpKidzLearn as "It’s a fantastic piece of software. It’s engaging, clear and bright and focus-led." Its user-friendly design empowers educators to seamlessly integrate the platform into their curriculum, supporting learning and communication.

More Than Just Fun

The bright futures of our children.

The impact of HelpKidzLearn at Bright Futures is undeniable. Witnessing firsthand the progress of their students, Hayley concludes, "HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities plays a vital role in empowering students with autism to communicate effectively." With its tailored approach and user-friendly design, HelpKidzLearn Games and Activities offers educators and therapists a powerful tool to empower every child with autism.

The Bright Futures

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